What It Means To Be A Part Of Spinutech
Published by Spinutech on July 23, 2018
I’ve been in digital marketing for about six years now. I’m practically an old man by agency standards. I’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies. I have experience across a half dozen verticals. I’ve been on 10-person teams and have managed campaigns on my own.
When I first came across Spinutech, I thought it’d be just another small digital agency. I’ve only been here about 10 months, but in spite of everything I’ve already been through, I can already tell this is a special place.
I write this on a Friday afternoon with a beer in hand. It’s 2:45 p.m., yet my day is nearly over. My clients are happy, which means my account managers are happy — and that means I’m happy. When I first joined Spinutech, I wanted to take the opportunity of a new job and use it to reinvigorate myself and set a personal goal of producing the best work I’ve ever completed. What I didn’t fully realize was how easy that was going to be to achieve in the Spinutech environment.
Yes, Spinutech is full of highly talented, magnificent individuals that all share a goal of getting better every day while helping their teammates and their clients accomplish the same thing — any agency worth its salt can make a similar claim.
What sets Spinutech apart from others, though, is its internal duty to its team members to actively ensure that every individual is satisfied, motivated, and inspired to do their best every hour they’re at work.
While it achieves this by actually making the work environment nicer — by offering monthly team lunches, a wealth of healthy (and not-so-healthy) snack options, standing desks, my aforementioned beers on Friday, and other perks — it also strives to give each team member enough time to be satisfied with their life outside of work. And this, in my opinion, will make the difference between a team member who simply puts in their hours at work and a team member who puts in their best at work.
I’ve worked at jobs where taking a sick day or time off didn’t always mean being able to completely disconnect from work. This couldn’t be further from the reality at Spinutech, however. Your time off is your time off. No questions asked. And if there’s just a quick appointment or something you need to take care of during the day, don’t worry about using up any PTO. Flex time was a perk unfamiliar to me where you can simply make up the time when it makes sense for you to do so. And who doesn’t like to relax more in the summer? Weekend summers are extended at Spinutech, where each team member has a half day off every other Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
In addition to PTO and flex time, Spinutech also offers time off to engage in volunteer opportunities so that team members can give back to their respective communities when they aren’t busy making miracles happen in their digital communities.
Of course, Spinutech cares about the performance of the clients it represents. But equal to its desire to perform well in the digital space is its desire for its team members to live the lives they want to live outside of work. And that is the difference in making sure everyone shows up with a positive attitude and a mentality of success that allows everyone to put in their best effort each day.
In short, being a part of Spinutech doesn’t just mean being able to produce home run work day-in and day-out. It means being part of a culture that supports a successful personal life and successful professional life. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.