6 Reasons 2016 Was Great
Published by Spinutech on January 4, 2017
Like many at this time of year, it is fun to look back and reflect on the past year's events and milestones. 2016 was pretty awesome for Spinutech. It's fun to have every year be your “best” year yet and to continue raising the bar. Listed below are a few reasons we think 2016 was great.
1. New Digs in Des Moines!
We moved into a completely new office in Des Moines. This was long overdue! Our old space was roughly 1700 sq. ft. and by the time we moved out it was looking more like a sweatshop than a professional office environment. We are absolutely loving our new space that is around 5000 sq. ft. and is also a much better representation of our culture and branding. Check out our new Des Moines office!
2. Great Viral Videos
We made some great videos in 2016! Like every year in the past, we produced our annual Christmas video. This year's was right up there with our best ones. We had a few mannequin challenge videos, a hoverboard adventure, an egg toss, Carpool Karaoke, Watch Yo’ Mouth and we even had our own office olympics. Our team has fun putting these together as a way to show off our culture. We are always pretty excited whenever the next big viral wave hits.
3. Adding new partnerships
We picked up some pretty amazing new clients in 2016 as well. We started working with Pella Windows, The Iowa Clinic, Delta Dental of Iowa & Illinois and many others. While new clients are great we are also extremely thankful for our longtime partnerships with our existing clients as well.
4. Sweet home, Chicago
We opened an office in Chicago! Yeah, that's crazy right? This is a pretty new announcement and we couldn’t be more excited about this. We have around a 2500 sq. ft. office with a team of six currently. We are excited about this and feel it will be a great long-term move to help expand our reach in many ways.
5. Our team has been growing.
At the start of 2016 we were a team of around 26. As it stands today we are at 40! While this is exciting we are also very cautious to grow at the right pace to ensure our high standards of quality continue to be met. New team members can also change the culture and we want to be confident that we are adding the right team members to enhance our culture. I’m excited about the talent we’ve added and it’s been fun getting to know everyone.
6. We're increasing our knowledge
The Google Certified Partnership program came out with specializations. And yeah, we have four out of the five possible! Most other agencies only have a couple at most. So we are pretty proud of these. They have some strict requirements to achieve and maintain. You have to have spent at least $10,000 in the last 90 days on the specific tactic and then also meet performance standards.
We also had a few honorable mentions. For our annual toy drive we were able to give over 1,000 toys to the Toys for Tots program! That will make a whole lot of kids happy! We also had around 15 people switch to standing desks between all three offices. It’s all the rage and so far our team is liking their new desks. All in all, 2016 was a great year for us in so many ways. We are very excited about 2017 and all it has to hold.