Content Marketing

Content builds relationships. By consistently showing value, you create a deeper connection between your brand and your audience.

Our content marketing approach turns strangers into friends.

Content covers everything — every word, photo, graphic, or video you use to communicate with your audience. So you need to make sure what you’re putting out there is what they want to get.

Because if you do your homework and deliver something of value, you build trust. And a relationship built on trust leads to results. You audience starts relying on your company for information, expertise, inspiration, or even entertainment. So when a need arises and they’re ready to make a purchase, they think of you first.

An effective content marketing strategy takes research, planning, creativity, and commitment. Our strategists take you through all the steps so your content is smart, meaningful, and gets the most out of your content marketing budget.

Content Audits

It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or you’ve been at it for years, seeing how your content stacks up is an important first step. During a content audit, we go through your website and content marketing efforts with a fine-tooth comb. And then we do the same to your competition, all with the goal of helping define who you are as a brand and identify opportunities to make your content stand out.

Audience Personas and Research

To give your audience what they want, you have to take a moment to listen. Our content team researches your audience, analyzes their behaviors, and talks to your customers. We roll all that up into audience personas that help you better understand what makes your customers tick so you can create the content they need.

Content Marketing Calendars

The internet is flooded with content but there’s plenty left to talk about. You just need to identify the themes your brand can hang its hat on and that bring the most value to your audience. Our content strategists combine audience and industry insights with research into search and social trends. We use all that data to define your content pillars and fill your content calendar with the topics most likely to engage your audience.

Content Creation

Done right, content not only connects with your audience but also improves your SEO performance, creates engaged fans on social media, and drives action in your email and marketing automation campaigns. We take the time to understand each of your channels — and how your audience interacts on them — to create content marketing assets that resonate and can integrate into your overall marketing plans, online and off.

Content Promotion

Calling it quits after creating amazing content is a common mistake. Without a proper promotion plan in place, you won’t see the results you hoped for. We repackage content to fit each channel your audience engages on and stay on the lookout for influencers, earned media, native advertising, paid social, and other opportunities to help it spread.

Content Marketing Analysis and Optimization

It’s easy to fall into the cycle of creating content, promoting it, and moving onto the next thing. But if you don’t stop and measure its effectiveness, you’ll never know if it actually moved the needle.

We never stop learning and looking for ways to improve your content marketing efforts. Our strategists constantly take in new insights to inform the strategy and make sure it’s engaging the audience and achieving your goals. We continuously measure content performance and audience engagement to find:

  • Content that achieves measurable goals
  • High-performing topics and themes
  • New ideas to explore
  • Content gaps
  • Areas for optimization to existing content
  • Topics and themes that elicit engagement, shares, and comments
  • Opportunities to repurpose, recycle, revamp, and reshare content

Answering Health Questions — Anywhere the Patient Is

The Iowa Clinic, West Des Moines, Iowa

Fresh off a new website, The Iowa Clinic needed health articles to bring in traffic and educate the community across all their digital channels. Through keyword research and collaboration with their providers, Spinutech created relevant, localized content that saw a 180 percent increase in article traffic in just the first six months. We stripped away the medical jargon and developed a fun yet informative voice to match The Iowa Clinic's brand, boosting engagement with their health content and on social media.

The Iowa Clinic Articles