Conversion Rate Optimization & A/B Testing

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) and A/B testing help you get the most out of your website and digital strategies.

Increase your ROI with conversion rate optimization.

Conversion rate optimization is the process of creating the most efficient path for a visitor to take a desired action on your website, like signing up for a free trial, filling out a contact form, or ultimately converting into a customer. Through website analytics and insights into customer behavior, we identify what to optimize and where, ultimately driving higher performance on your website.

Your conversion rate for a particular action or goal can be calculated by dividing the number of completed actions or goals by the number of visitors to a page or website.

Conversion rate = number of goals / visitors

If you are investing in any kind of paid strategy to drive visitors to your website, you want to be sure your site delivers the best experience possible to increase the chances of those visitors converting.

Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative data connects the dots between the efforts that are working and identifies where there is room for optimizing. Using analytics tools, we set up reporting for the different conversions on your site. Our strategy team monitors the success of conversions and analyzes additional information like what pages users are converting on the most, demographic similarities among users who convert, and even what device or browser is being used.

Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data is more subjective and comes directly from your users via user testing and on-site or satisfaction surveys. This kind of data might tell you why a user engaged or how they talk about your product or service to others. We analyze data and feedback provided by your users and combine those findings with the hard numbers from conversion tracking to optimize your website for your ideal user.

A/B Testing

A/B testing allows us to put our hypotheses to the test to determine what is working and what is not. An A/B test measures a user’s current experience against a new variation containing different elements like headlines, colors, or calls to action. By continually running these kinds of tests, we learn what the low performing variables are and then optimize your site, paid ads, social posts, and email marketing campaigns for a better user experience, ultimately increasing the likelihood a visitor takes a desired action.