Thank You Veterans

Thank You Veterans

Published by Spinutech on November 11, 2018

{Updated for 2018}

As the holiday season approaches, we are often reminded of everything we have to be thankful for. Many of these blessings are because of the sacrifice of thousands of service men and women who put their country's needs before their own. Though we could never thank them enough for all that they've done, we honor their devotion to our nation.

Here at Spinutech we have 2 veterans who we are proud to have on the team. We'd like to thank Jeremy and Tyler for their time served and for carrying that same dedication into the work they do today. Check out their stories and join us in saying a huge THANK YOU to all veterans!

Jeremy Karns


Branch of Military: U.S. Army 
Dates Served: 2002 - 2006
Stationed: Fort Sill, OK
Unit: III Corps Artillery, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery 
Ulchi-Focus Lens: Korea - 2003
Operation Iraqi Freedom - HQ Multi-National Corps, Iraq: Baghdad 2003 - 2005

Experience: I did a lot of traveling during my enlistment and spent time in several countries. I lived in everything from a cot on a dirt floor tent to a palace with enormous crystal chandeliers and gold trimmed toilets. I will never forget the places I've been and the people I've met along the way. Even though I may not remember all the names, there are faces and relationships that will be with me forever. I think my definition of what hard work, loyalty, trust, and teamwork means is unique to those who have served. I wouldn't be the person I am today without the time I spent serving my country. 

Oh, and Black Hawk helicopter rides are AWESOME.

Tyler Peekenschneider


Branch of military: National Guard
Dates served: 2006-2014
Deployed to Afghanistan: 2010-2011
Flood duty: 2008 Iowa flood
Hurricane relief: 2008 for hurricane Gustav in Louisiana (fun fact got a medal with a pelican on it)

Experience: My biggest takeaway from my entire time in the military was how many different people I got to see, meet and interact with. From the earliest moments in my career at basic training where I forged great bonds and friendships with people I would never again see after graduation, to being deployed and being on convoys through Kabul where I would pass by a million people, all going about their lives. I never stopped seeing new faces. Getting exposure to so many different personalities and cultures really facilitated my world view and the connectedness I feel to people living their lives on the other side of the planet. Despite my travels always involving a very specific purpose that was not my own and having to endure some very difficult situations, I am glad I went out of my way and took the time to reflect and observe often overlooked things and am grateful I had the opportunity to do so.